Saturday, April 25, 2015


This journey has been so tremendous that it is hard to narrow my learning down to just three areas.  As my knowledge began to deepen in the field of Early Childhood it really began to open my eyes regarding current trends and issues.  One issue that I was not aware of was how great the struggle of providing quality care for children truly is.  Working in the pubic school system I have not had a lot of exposure to low quality educators, as all the educators that I have worked with hold at least a Bachelor’s Degree, if not a Master’s Degree.

This appears to not be the case in our public childcare centers as many of the articles that I read, as well as the discussion posts that I have participated in, indicate that many early childcare providers do not possess college degrees or formal training.  In addition they lack skills of how to manage children with behavior disorders or those who are experiencing developmental delays.
Becoming more aware of this serious problem sparks my passion to provide Professional Development Trainings for childcare providers within my community.  In addition I feel that it is important to work with my local Child Development Services, CDS to strengthen relationships between childcare centers and available trainings and resources. 

Working towards educating others about children seems like the perfect place to start now that I will be receiving my Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Walden University.  Becoming involved in creating and designing training courses to help support teachers who are struggling is something that I am truly dedicated and passionate about.  By informing others we can begin to change the look of preschools and build better, more prepared early childhood educators.

Another area that my knowledge has also grown in is that of the lack of inclusionary child care.  I knew that this was an area of concern for parents across the country. However, I did not truly understand the impact that not receiving high quality pre-school education alongside of their peers, has on these students with developmental disabilities and delays.  As I began to research this area I loved studying the laws behind this issue and now have a better understanding of what drives the decisions for where children with disabilities are placed for early childcare.

As I became more familiar with IDEA, I was really taken back by how loosely it was worded and how it allowed for private childcare centers to make decisions about inclusionary childcare, based on the cost and convenience.  This was shocking to me as there is not a clear definition of what a center deems to “cost too much.”  This is decided by each center independently leaving the opportunity for childcare centers to refuse to care for children who may require more support or supervision.

Clearly, as educators we all know that these children will require early intervention and continued assistance throughout their elementary years.  Is it really fair to take the opportunity of attending their local childcare center alongside their peers away from them?  These children already struggle throughout life to fit in and meet the standard.   By making the child and the family feel welcome we can begin to change the invisible line of separation that already exists for these children and their families.

The third issue that I have deepened my knowledge in is the numerous organizations that are working towards changing the future of early childhood education.  Some of these organizations I was aware of such as NAEYC, CEC, Dept. of Education, CDS and others however, I never realized how many organizations advocate for Early Childhood Education.  With every paper and discussion post I continued to become aware of new organizations that support this area.

In addition to learning about these organizations I have now also created a resource list with these organizations listed as well as their contact information.  As I begin my career working towards inclusionary childcare, being aware of the support that I can gather from these organizations is priceless.  I am truly so happy to begin connecting to my COP and look forward to joining them in moving towards high quality, affordable childcare for all children.

Obtaining my Master’s Degree from Walden University as well as the knowledge that I have gained has prepared me to begin working towards my goal.  My biggest goal is to change the look of childcare centers in my area so that they are better able to care for children with special needs.  My plan includes opening my own inclusionary childcare center in which we care for 45 children ages 3 to 5. 

These children will be both typically developing children and children who are experiencing developmental delays, behavior disorders, Autism and more.  By creating the correct environment all children will be able to learn together and be cared for together.  In addition it is my intent to make sure that therapy services are available to those who need them.  Now having the knowledge of grants and funding that is available will assist me in opening this type of center, while keeping it affordable for all families who wish for their child to attend.

Once my center is up and running I will begin to offer inclusionary trainings to other teachers within my community with the hope of obtaining a greater buy in.  Having a model will allow other centers to observe and understand how this type of care can be achieved, without disrupting the overall program.  As new preschools in my area open it is my goal to begin to see the overall structure change along with the attitude towards caring for all children.

Dear Dr. E. and my fellow colleagues,

This journey has been incredible and the knowledge that I have gained from all of you will stay with me for years to come as I move foreword with my career in Early Childhood Education.  Sharing our experiences together each week has deepened my understanding and knowledge of current issues and trends in early childcare.  In addition your information has expanded my understanding of what direction Early Childhood Education is moving in and what other states across the country are doing to move in the right direction.

As we begin our separate journeys I will forever remember the kindness from my colleagues as well as the continued encouragement from Dr. E.  The weekly guidance and support that I received from each of you through discussion post and blog comments was very valuable and created opportunities for professional growth and self-reflection.  For this I thank each and every one of you and wish you the best as you move towards your passion of advocating for young children and their families.  Thank you for all that you do for children and I hope that our paths will cross again in the future as we advocate and make changes for early childhood education.

                                                                                                            Best Regards,


A  Always
U  Unique
T  Totally
 I   Interesting
S  Sometimes
M Mysterious

Autism is not a word to feared. It’s a child to be loved.  Four Sea Stars

Please remember the importance of these children participating in early childhood education along side of their peers.  The opportunity that each and every one of you can provide for these children can impact their lives in ways that will forever change their future.  Thanks you for all that you do for children.  Michelle

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The first international organization that I chose was that of UNICEF.  This organization has resources and experiences in 140 countries.  With a worldwide effort focused on the betterment of education for all children, not just those who live in wealthy countries.  By collaborating with others they are able to identify what academic areas need to be strengthened and then work to design innovations to address the issue and provide solutions.
One particular project that they are involved in is that of bringing literacy levels to an acceptable rate in Brazil.  By developing innovative educational models they are able to improve learning outcomes of children while advancing their agenda of international equity.  This program takes a holistic approach in order to improve reading and writing outcomes of students.  Previous statistics show that 25% of students leaving the 5th grade in Brazil were not reading proficient.  Clearly, we can do better for these children.
One job that I found most interesting was that of Education Sector Analyst.  This individual is responsible for advising the Ministry of Education and its partners on its next plan for 2015-2016.  Some of the requirements of this position are passion and dedication to education.  In addition the applicant must hold a Master's Degree in education or Economics.  This position also requires 5 years of experience in educational data collection, strong analytical and written skills, as well as computer skills and the ability to work with multi-cultures.
Most of these skills I do posses as I have worked in public education since 1994 and have much experience in collecting educational data.  In addition I have en endorsement in ESOL, which has provided me with the education of how to work with multi-cultures.  I posses strong analytical, communication and written skills and posses a strong commitment to education, which includes passion and desire to make a difference for others.  However, I would need to develop skills in sector analysis and how to look at this type of data, as I do not have experience in this area.
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),

The next international organization that I chose was that of Save The Children.  This organization works towards saving children every day, placing a great emphasis on protecting children and ensuring that they are given a future.  This organization currently assists 120 countries including that of the United States of America.  Some of the services that they provide include education for children that otherwise may not receive one.  Believing that education is the road to each child’s future is its mission.  
Part of their education plan includes education for parents, caregivers, community volunteers and teachers.  By teaching these individuals to truly engage with children bonds can be established that then lead to learning.  Often, this type of training is provided when a community is experiencing a crisis and the focus may not be on educating their children, rather just survival.  Giving this type of support during these trying times is very appealing to me and this is something that I find very fascinating and to be a true statement of their commitment and dedication in ensuring that children are cared for.
One position that I found of particular interest was that of Learning Research Specialist, which is through the office of the Department of Education and Child Development.  This position provides support to country offices to expand access to quality learning outcomes.  In addition she is primarily responsible for the implementation of Early Childhood Care and Development ensuring that all programs have access to quality educational resources.
This position requires that you are a problem solver, have the ability to take the initiative and work independently and be willing to travel up to 30% of the time.  It also requires a Master's Degree in Education or Economics and at least 3 years in research and computer proficiency. 
Most of these skills I do possess however, my research skills are not consistent and this is an area that I feel I need to further my education in and take additional classes. Travel is something that I would love to do, as this would allow me to assist children not just directly within my own community, but around the country.

The last international organization that I found interesting was that of USESCO.  This organization takes a different approach than others by finding ways to support education.  USESCO seems to focus more on a global approach working towards equality civilizations, cultures and people. They work towards building human rights and mutual respect while reducing poverty.  Their goals are broad and encompass the entire world, not just chosen countries. This organizations mission includes irradiating poverty, developing intercultural dialogue through education, science, culture and communication.
USESCO advocates for education for all children at The World Education Forum and have obtained political commitment from 164 governments regarding education.  It is the responsibility of this organization along with others to ensure that these communities and agencies are working together to ensure that they are meeting their commitments.
Taking this global approach is very interesting as it allows you to see the issue from a completely different view.  Advocating for change is something that I truly have a passion for and I can see myself enjoying working on a forum, such as this.  In addition I have passion for human rights and equality and feel that this is an area that I also could contribute in.
One position that I found was that of General service Staff.  This position assist in the areas of education, science, culture communication and information.  It requires a post secondary degree and fluency in either English or French.  They are looking for individuals with integrity, respect, professionalism and diversity.  This position has various levels depending on the applicant’s years of experience in the educational field.
I do believe that I do posses all of the required qualifications for this potion however, the additional desired qualifications such as experience in Arabic, Russian, Spanish or Chinese are areas that I do not have any experience in.  Although, not listed I also believe that this position would take good communication skills and a willingness to work to others due to the diverse nature of the responsibilities. 
Academy for Educational Development. (2011),

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Exploring roles in the ECE community

As I began to explore the various organizations and the roles that they played within my community I began to understand the importance of collaboration between them.  Clearly, not one organization can achieve the desired change without the support of each other and their desire to work together.  Within my state quality early childhood education as well as people who are willing to move forward with change are greatly needed.  It is my intention to be connected to many of these local agencies and some I already am.  However, there were three that were of particular interest that supported my passions.

The first is that of FDLRS, The Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System.  This is an agency that is funded by the state and services are provided through a local county area office.  Some of the services provided by this organization include diagnostic, instructional and technology support.  These services are designed to provide support for the local school district's ESE programs as well as providing support for students and families.  In addition they provide training for staff and direct instructional support.   As a Special Education Teacher my goals include working with children with special needs and providing early detection so that early intervention services can be implemented in the critical years.  FDLRS - Home .

The next organization that I found to be of interest is that CDS, Child Development Services of Florida.  This organization works to support Head Start as well as informing parents about available program options.  In addition they provide funding for local families who are struggling to pay for child care services. They also provide mental health services for children who are experiencing difficulties.   Families who are experiencing financial difficulties can qualify for additional services for this organization such as utility bill assistance and food assistance.  Supporting children who are from a low SES is also something that I wish to focus on, as it is my belief that these children can be successful if they are simply taught to believe in themselves.  Discover CDS, Childhood Development Services for Florida

The last organization that I chose was that of the NAEYC.  This organization provides support for children birth through eight by connecting practice, policy and research.  It also publishes the latest research and trends in early childhood education.  In addition it gives a voice to children who otherwise would not be heard.  It sets program standards as well as developmentally appropriate practices to be followed.  This organization clearly supports my desire to stay informed with the latest research and standards.  By being involved instead of being on the sideline I can further my desire to advocate for these children. National Association for the Education of Young.  

Living in Florida, in the Tampa Bay area there is a great need for childcare and childcare related services.  My local FLDRS has positions open for resource teachers that administer developmental tests to determine if a child has a developmental delay.  These positions require a master's degree in Early Childhood Education as well as a Bachelor's Degree in Exceptional Education.  In addition it requires 3 years of teaching experience with special needs students.  Upon completion of my Master's Degree, I will meet all or these qualifications and will be closer to my goals of early detection of developmental delays.
My experience includes working in Special Education for 20 plus years and I believe that these skills will assist me in helping to detect developmental delays and therapies that may be needed.  Parent meetings and staff development are also my areas of strengths and these skills will assist me in staffing children for ESE services and providing parent information.